At Countryside, our goal is to glorify God by striving to see people come to know Him and become like Him. We seek to do this through the regular teaching and preaching of scripture and by functioning together as a community of believers who help and serve each other. Whether you are just starting out, or you have known the Lord for many years, it would be our joy to serve you. Come visit us this Sunday and find why Countryside is a place where friends become family.
Next Sunday, November 14th, Countryside will be celebrating a huge milestone for our church family: TWENTY YEARS AS A CHURCH! To celebrate the past 20 years of God's faithfulness, we will have a special anniverary reception at 6:00 in the church auditorium. It would be an honor to have the entire church come out as we rehearse how God has carried us from just a couple of families, 20 years ago, to where we are today. A special anniversary video chronicling God's grace through our many transitions will be presented. Come rejoice through our many transitions will be presented. Come rejoice, laugh and cry as we give glory to God for what He has done! Each family is requested to bring a favorite finger-food side dish or desert to share.