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Evangelical Covenant Church
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The Covenant Church of Clay Center has a rich history dating back to 1890.
Address1330 15th St Clay Center, KS 67432-3238
Phone(785) 632-5653
The Evangelical Covenant Church of Clay Center
The Covenant Church of Clay Center has a rich history dating back to 1890. But during the past twenty years, our congregation has been blessed in numerous ways by God…with children and families…with a vibrant youth ministry…with a passion to teach Gods word…with a desire to be a relevant and creative church for the 21st century. God continues to bless this church with a spirit of love and unity. If you are new to Clay Center, we welcome the chance to get acquainted with you.

8:00 A.M. Worship
9:30 A.M. Worship / Sunday School / Adult “Acquaint & Equip” Classes / Nursery (0-3 yrs)
11:00 A.M. Worship / Nursery (0-3 yrs)

Power Hour (Junior High Youth)
Nursery (0-3) and activities (Age 3 - 1st grade) for those in Home Groups

Download this month’s Parent Link, the Children’s Ministry Newsletter.

The Ark Preschool
The preschool meets Monday - Friday during the school year. For more information, call preschool director Deb Christiansen at 632-5653.

If you missed Sunday’s message, may we suggest downloading the podcast on the left side (updated on Wednesdays) and use the message notes as you follow along.

Revelation: God Speaks // Creation: God Makes // Fall: God Judges // Covenant: God Pursues // Cross: God Justifies // Resurrection: God Saves // Holy Spirit: God Empowers
Church: God Sends // Stewardship: God Gives // Worship: God Transforms // Kingdom: God Reigns

God’s Dream For You: Serving in Love (Living Out Authentic Community) - Romans 12:9-13

Teaching the Bible: Colossians 1:24-29 // Training Men: 2 Timothy 2:2 // Planting Churches: Luke 4:16-30

Psalm 1: Choosing the Path of the Blessed // Psalm 51: The Essence of a Man After God’s Own Heart
Psalm 115: Why Do We Worship God? // Psalm 103: The Worship of a Loving God // Psalm 42-43
Psalm 145-145: Praise God // Psalm 18: The Grateful Remembrance

Why God?: Evil & Suffering, Part 1 // Why God?: Evil & Suffering, Part 2 // Intolerant, Unforgiving, Judgmental: Christianity Today? // Is God Bipolar?: Old Testament vs. New Testament // Feeling “Left Behind”?: Revelation

Part 1: Finding Home in Self // Part 2: Finding Home in Family // Part 3: Finding Home in God

Part 1: Gospel Centeredness (February 7, 2010)Part 2: Biblical Community (February 14, 2010)Part 3: Living for Jesus (February 21, 2010)
Part 4a: Distinctively Christian Families (February 28, 2010)
Part 4b: Distinctively Christian Families (March 7, 2010)
Part 6: Gospel Expansion (March 14, 2010)

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that involves packing gift shoeboxes for needy children around the world. Stop by the table in the Parlor today to pick up all the details on how you and your family can begin packing a shoebox, or how to contribute financially to the project. Collection dates for the boxes are Sundays, Nov. 7, 14 and 21 in the Parlor.
Loose Change to Loosen Chains is a fundraiser to free modern day slaves. The Sr. High Youth will be collecting change through November 21. Visit their table in the Parlor or contact Dane Wutke ( for more information.

An Aerobics Class will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6:30-7:30p, Multi-purpose Room, beginning Nov. 16. This class is free and open to the public, so be sure to invite friends! Classes include: Step, Yoga, Abs of Steel, and more. Bring a step if you have one. Contact Angela Roudybush for more info (630-2222).
Young at Heart will meet for their Fall Banquet on Saturday, Nov. 13 at 12p, Multi-purpose Room. Meal will be served and Sweet Adelines Quartet will be singing.
Women’s Ministry Team will have a meeting on Monday, Nov. 8 at 7p, Church.

John & Amy Battenfield Mission Moment - Sun. 11/21
Community Thanksgiving Service - Sun. 11/21 - 7p - Wesleyan Church
“An Evening with the Johnson’s” Family Christmas Program - Sun. 12/5 - 7p - Worship Center
“It’s Just An Ordinary Night” Children’s Christmas Program & Art Show - Wed. 12/15 - 7p - Worship Center

Would you and your home group, bible study, or friends/family like to decorate the church for the Christmas season? Please contact the church office by Nov. 8 (

Adopt Kansas Kids is celebrating November as National Adoption Month! In Kansas, there are more than 5,000 children in foster care. Approximately 1,700 of them are waiting to be adopted. One way to show your support is to wear a white ribbon. To order, e-mail: Visit them online at

Hey students, come check out this week’s YS Student Newsletter!! If you’d like to start subscribing via email, GO HERE!!!!

Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser.

Thanks For What: Just Sing Already!“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)
Do you like to sing? I don’t always dig it. For one thing, Im not very good. I don’t really enjoy the sound of my own warbling. I’d much rather listen to you (unless you’re just as awful as me).
Also, after mumbling my way through a bunch of songs in every worship service since they let me out of the nursery, I suddenly wondered one day, “Why in the world do we do this? What a weird thing, now that I think about it. Couldn’t we do something else for 20 minutes?” Then I read this verse.

And in the process of trying to get over myself (and trying to sing right out loud without caring what you think), I discovered that saying thanks in a song really helped me to express to God how thankful I felt in a way that words by themselves can’t quite accomplish. Apparently, that’s exactly what God wants me to do.
Think: Do you like singing, in general? Do you like singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs together with other Christians? Does singing like that help you to feel more grateful to God?
Pray: Ask God to help you to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your heart to Him?
Do: Remember this verse the next time you have a chance to participate in singing with a group of fellow Christians.

2. SURF REPORTMovie Review: Surrogates
Music Review of Fireflies from Owl City
3. FORGETTABLE FACTGot gas? 40% of all indigestion remedies sold in the world are bought by Americans.
4. POTENT QUOTABLESGive me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.
– J. C. Penney
God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them.

5. UH, THAT’S FUNNY?Q: How do you get a kleenex to dance?
A: Put a little boogey in it!

I was encouraged by the number of middle school students who gathered to pray at the See You at the Pole event on Sept. 23,2009.

God Out of the Box: Covenant Pursues (Grant Clay)

Branches and additional offices:
(620) 754-3711 3840 Arizona Rd Savonburg, KS 66772-
(785) 475-2769 810 W Cedar St Oberlin, KS 67749-2432

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