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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and Preschool
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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church - It is the Mission of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, then, to bring that saving faith to the people of our
Address13145 S Blackbob Rd Olathe, KS 66062-1417
Phone(913) 780-6889

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool - MO Synod

It is the Mission of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, then, to bring that saving faith to the people of our communities by proclaiming the Gospel through preaching, teaching, worship, caring, serving and other activities that testify to God's love for us in Jesus Christ.

"Week in the Word"
A scripture reading for each day to help your walk with God.

"Straighten Up and Raise Your Heads"
by Pastor Carlton Kjergaard

This Week at BSLC - November 14, 2010

6:00 pm Evening Worship w/ Communion

8:30 am Circuit Pastors Conference @ Christ, OP

6:30 am Mens Bible Study & Breakfast

9:30 am Organist Practice / Ladies Bible Study

6:30 pm Handbells / Womens Bible Study

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary

Noon DCE Cluster Meeting in Leavenworth

5:30 pm District Youth Gathering Participants Depart

District Youth Gathering in Topeka until Sunday

5:30 pm Angel Tree Shopping (Junior High Youth)

Nationally accredited by NLSA,
National Lutheran School Accreditation
Come see our new website area for the Preschool division of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. If you have questions, please contact us at Call 913-780-6889. Preschool &

The November Kansas Sonshine is available on line.
Check it out at:

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Wee Ones Ministry newsletter is available by this link.

Also, be sure to check out the new Kansas District LWML calendar at

CRAFT-A-THON coming in November!
For a flyer with all the information about

Summer Family Newsletter
This link can also be found under the navigation at the top of the page:

Click on Stephen Ministry logo to contact by email


When do you find time for personal devotions? God promises that time spent daily in His Word will sustain, encourage and nurture our faith. Your free web-based subscription to the daily Mustard Seed devotion is just a “click away!” Go to Click “Resources” on the left hand navigation bar of the home page and click on “Devotions” to go to the Mustard Seed page. Follow the instruction provided to subscribe for the free daily devotions. Your e-mail information will remain secure and will not be shared. Hundreds of women and men have already taken advantage of this opportunity since the mid-April 2010 launching of the service. Subscribe today!

Together In Mission

Beautiful Savior is blessed to be a Together in Mission (TIM) partner with Pastor Tim & Beth Heiney who serve in Guinea, West Africa. Being a TIM partner means that our congregation and some individuals commit to yearly support of their ministry. We initially started the TIM program with a medical missionary, Dr. Kristen Schmaltz. When she returned from the mission field, we switched our giving to the Heineys as they were headed back to the Guinea mission field and were seeking financial support. Pastor Tim now serves as Area Facilitator which involves visiting and encouraging partnering churchs in the French speaking countries of West Africa as a representative for LCMS World Mission. He is also a missionary to the Maninka people in Guinea and provides leadership training to the Maninka team. Beth serves as Project Coordinator for Africa and Volunteer Coordinator for French speaking West Africa. As Project Manager, she will be assisting the Area Facilitators in tracking the financial end of the projects that are done all over Africa - donations and expenses. As Volunteer Coordinator, she is working with other French speaking church leaders to see how to best use short-term missionaries and teams to partner with those churches to do the work more effectively. They send regular newsletters, illustrated by Pastor Tim. The latest issue is available at and the Children's Newsletter at


Click to visit the Olathe Parks & Rec Softball Schedule page.
Choose "Men's Doubleheader E" for Thursday Leagues.
Rainout line: 913-971-6254 (Call after 4:00 p.m.)


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