For over 37 years, we have helped our clients with all aspects of their financial matters. As certified public accountants serving the Kansas City area, we are committed to providing you professional services, personal attention and financial assistance. Whether your needs are personal or business, we have the experience you can count on and the products and services which we can put to work for you.
Our experience can have a positive impact on your bottom line. As a full service Certified Public Accounting and Consulting Firm, we offer the services a small business needs to accomplish the goals of the business as well as its owners. G.R. Starbuck & Co., P.A. is dedicated to helping you maintain your competitive edge. Our satisfaction is in your success. (more)
Individuals are continually faced with countless issues requiring financial and tax decisions. As your partners for success, we want to help you meet your personal financial goals. G.R. Starbuck & Co., P.A. is committed to helping you map out a plan that meets your needs. Our success is based on providing you professional service and personal attention. (more)
Since 1973, the Leawood certified public accountants and professional staff of G.R. Starbuck & Co., P.A. have provided businesses in the Kansas City area with accounting, tax, computer, and management strategies. With professional service and personal attention, we give you the information you need to grow your business and help you meet your personal financial objectives.
Gerald R. Starbuck, CPA/PFS, President