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Sunday Morning Prayer room is open from 8:45-9:45 am. Please come anytime during the morning to pray for our Sunday serv...
Children's Discovery Classes 9:00am 1st- 5th in POWER Kids rm 116. At 10:00 am children join their parents for worship a...
Coffee-Sunday mornings anytime between 9:00-9:45 am join us for Coffee Fellowship in Fellowship Hall 218a . Please see C...
Women's Bible Study-Will only meet on the Nov. 14 due to Thanksgiving. Join us on the 2nd & 4th Sundays. Fellowship at 6...
Grace is home to a private school that is staffed and equipped to train future leaders to have a strong Christian worldview. Enrollment is open to K - 6. We offer full day classes for kindergarten.
Grace has a state accredited child care facility and staff that is dedicated to the goal of impacting the attitudes and experiences of your child during their precious preschool years.