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Ray Avenue Baptist Church
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By Reading God’s Word The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
Address2801 E Ray Ave Salina, KS 67401-7871
Phone(785) 825-4220
Welcome to Ray Avenue Baptist Church!
We are delighted to have you visit our church website. It is my privilege to serve as the pastor of the Ray Avenue Baptist Church. Our heart-felt desire is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and to grow in grace by becomng actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.
We still believe in old time preaching, old time praying and old time praising. We make no apology for strong preaching, preaching that stirs and convicts! We still believe that prayer changes things! We still sing the old hymns of our faith and still think that it is alright to shout and say "Amen!" We would love to have you come and visit with us some time!
Looking unto Jesus,

A great church is made up of strong Christians and strong Christian families.
By Reading God’s Word The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Reading the Bible is vital to the Christian life. As we read the Bible, we should search the Scriptures, comparing Scripture with Scripture. Also, set a goal to memorize Scripture and meditate on the Word of God. In our personal lives and with our families each day, we need to be reading the Word of God.
By Praying We believe that God hears and answers prayer. There is no doubt about it, the greatest untapped resource in the Christian life is the matter of prayer. Pray each day. Pray for loved ones. Pray for church leaders and their families. Pray for your church. Pray for our nation. Pray for the lost. Establish a prayer list. But whatever you do, Pray!
By Attending Your Church Faithfully The Lord Jesus Christ deserves your faithfulness. Attend every service of the church. A great deal of the strength of the church is based on the faithfulness of the people. Support special meetings at the church with your faithful attendance - Hebrews 10:25.
By Giving God’s work is to be supported God’s way. The Bible teaches that we should pay the tithe and give our offerings. Practice tithing as a conviction. Bring the Lord's tithe with you to church each Sunday. Support the ministries of the church with offerings. By faith give to worldwide missions. Support the Christian education endeavors of the church. We cannot outgive God.
By Witnessing To The Lost Our Lord Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. He left us on this earth to tell others about the Him. Determine to bring others to the Savior. Work to bring other families to Christ and to the church. Set a time to go. Make a list of names and addresses of people you want to reach for Christ.
Determine to Be a Five-Star Christian

This is a time when you can be a real help and encouragement to your pastor. May God help you to work together to see something beyond the ordinary accomplished for Christ through your church.


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