As a community of faith, gathered around the Eucharistic presence of Christ and animated by his Spirit, we
are called to proclaim the Gospel with our very lives, sharing ourselves in loving service to our families,
neighbors and the community. We are invited by our Lord to follow him in love and service here on earth, to
constantly seek Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life and to be His healing, reconciling and praying
presence in our world until we are with him face-to-face in the heavenly kingdom. At the same time we are a
community of saints and sinners, a people on the way, an already-but not yet reality, a people in constant
need of Gods merciful grace in Christ Jesus. So please, pray with us and for us so that Gods will be done in
our lives and in yours.
Our parish operates a wonderful Catholic School that has formed children intellectually and spiritually since
1881. We are a mixed community of singles, young families, middle agers as well as grandmas and
grandpas. If you are a Catholic who has drifted away from the Church, consider coming home again. Id love
to visit with you about re-establishing your active participation in the Christs Church. If you are not Catholic,
but desire to learn more about the Catholic faith, we offer programs explaining what we believe and why we
believe it. Give me a call.
Welcome to St. Gregory Catholic Parish Website!On the evening of the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and said,
as the Father has sent me, so I send you (Jn 20:21)
Mass Schedule:Saturday Evening - 5:30 p.m.
Sunday - 7:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.Confessions:Saturday - 4:45 p.m. or anytime