People of all kinds loved to be with Jesus. They followed Him everywhere. They learned from His simple, yet profound, teaching. He helped them with their problems. He did not frown at people or put on clergy airs. When people left His presence they felt stronger for life and closer to God. He truly loved them. They could see it in His eyes. They felt it in His presence.
Jesus is what we're about at Ottawa Bible Church. People walk into a service and immediately feel the warmth of acceptance and love. We enjoy one another and encourage one another. We listen to each other and pray for one another. We worship together and learn from the Bible. There are special events going on for teens, children, men, women, and couples to bring our faith and life into focus.
Come and share the joy!
The "Bible" in our church name means we are looking to God for what to believe and how to live.
We can know God through the Bible, because he inspired its writing.
God communicates His love for us by making a way for us to come to Him through faith in His only begotten Son, Jesus.
When a person turns from sin to receive Jesus by faith, God adopts that person into His eternal family, and gives the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit lives within that believer to teach, help, encourage, lead and strengthen!
Bible reading, meditation, prayer and fellowship with other believers is God's plan for spiritual growth. "The church" is people who believe, model and teach these things.
Ottawa Bible Church fellowships with other Christ centered ministries such as Billy Graham, Back to the Bible Broadcast, non-denominational missions, Bible Colleges and Seminaries such as Dallas and Grace.
We have no denominational affiliation.