Our cuisine reflects contributions of varied special flavors and culinary traditions blended by worldwide migrations to the melting pot.
About Marco's Cantina
Our cuisine is basically Mexican & pizza, reflecting the great food bounty discovered on this continent by explorers and pioneers and the many ingenuities in
It also reflects contributions of varied special flavors and culinary traditions blended by worldwide migrations to the melting pot.
Happily centered in the heart of the nation, Wichita is positioned to receive the culinary goodness from both great oceans, all in exchange for the basic provisions of meat, fowl and grain raised and grown on our central plains.
We are most grateful you have chosen to spend this evening with us. Please share with us any suggestions that would permit us to serve you better.
Grand Street Cafe in Lenexa is a locally owned and operated restaurant serving the finest in modern American cuisine. Our expert chefs are devoted to preparing dishes that are simple, yet elegant and