With over 25 years of water gardening and landscaping experience, our knowledgeable staff is available to assist you with your gardening needs and questions.
Located on five acres in west Wichita, Kansas, come stroll through the gardens of over 25 water features.
Free workshop and seminars through out the various seasons.
We sell everything needed to construct and maintain your water garden or koi pond. We specialize in garden, rustic and natural out door living environments.
LIVING - trees, shrubs, perennials, aquatic plants, aquatic life, Koi, tadpoles, fancy gold fish
HARDSCAPE - stone, pond liner, rock, pumps, biological and mechanical filters, U.V. units, fittings, tubing, fish and pond care additives, decorative landscape items, pottery, skimmers, muc vacs, pond predator solutions
consultations, landscape and water garden installation, pond maintenance and troubleshooting, pond cleaning, overhaul existing water gardens, education, workshops and seminars, group tours, facility rental for special events wedding, meetings, portrait settings