Acceleration of GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF and Bitmap Images! Performance Improvement in Macromedia Flash!
FTP acceleration! Web-based email acceleration (including attachments)! Pop-up Blocker, Banner-Ad Blocking!
Works with Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Opera! Most operating systems supported: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, NT, Me, 98, and Linux!
Coast to Coast Coverage
If you travel with your laptop or are moving, you can keep your service with us! We have numbers across America including Hawaii and Alaska! We even have access in most populated portions of Canada! No long distance phone calls or extra charges! It is all part of your internet package! If you have any questions, please call in - thanks!
Citta Solutions was founded on 15 September 2009 with a mission to succeed by helping our clients and make their business succeed in form of technology.