...to the new web site of Arthritis and Rheumatology Clinics of Kansas (ARCK). We are a medical practice in Wichita, Kansas, dedicated to the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic diseases. We have created this site to provide you with information about our practice, our staff, the diseases that we treat, and other information that we hope will make your experience as a patient more productive.
As of September 2008, ARCK will take on an entirely new dimension as Shirley Wang, M.D., joins the practice as a full-time staff physician. After becoming very familiar with Dr. Wang during two separate one-month rotations she spent at our office during her residency at the University of Kansas-Wichita and admiring her clinical skills and rapport with patients, the physicians and employees at ARCK have enthusiastically welcomed her to the practice.
Dr. Wang completed her training in Rheumatology at the University of Oklahoma after finishing training in Internal Medicine here at KU. Bacause of her love for the community and the ties she established while living in Wichita, she has fortunately agreed to return and help fulfill the growing need for care of patients with rheumatic disease in south central Kansas. Dr. Wang's chief interests included patient education aiming to bridge the gap from the rapidly advanced understanding of rheumatic diseases and treatments, rheumatic diseases and pregnancy, and general rheumatology.
"It is with great joy to finally return to Wichita," she notes. "Together we strive to make a difference in the lives of our patients."
In addition to her care of patients at ARCK, Dr. Wang has plans to join the faculty at the University of Kansas and participate in the training of residents, teaching them the essentials of arthritis and other rheumatic illnesses. She joins Drs. Shaver and Shahouri with Ruth Busch, A.R.N.P., at the Wichita office, while Dr. Weidensaul at the Hutchinson office and Dr. Anderson at our Leawood office round out our roster of providers. We at ARCK are excited to add Dr. Shirley Wang to our family of professionals and fully anticipate that she will bring relief and return of function to the patients under her care, furthering the mission of our practice.
Read about the Arthritis Outcomes Study being conducted by ARCK.
This area will tell you about our practice, its mission and the commitment to our patients.
Read about our providers, their backgrounds and education, and the specific areas in which they practice.
See this area for educational materials written by our doctors about the diseases that we treat.
This informative manual will explain how our staff and our patients can best work together to achieve results.
Branches and additional offices:
(913) 338-322212902 State Line Rd Overland Park, KS 66209-1649