Booster Print & Embroidery
We do in-house, custom screen-printing and embroidery on apparel, hats, bags, towels and selected promotional items. Founded by Kansas University graduates Shaun Trenholm and David Lawrence. You can hear David on The Jayhawk Radio Network for KU Football and Basketball broadcasts.
Schools, Teams, Clubs, Organizations and Churches (10% tithe discount)
We can print your order envelopes or create an online order page; collate your orders; individually fold and tag each persons order, all at no additional charge. There is not another company anywhere that will do all this for you!
Corporations and Companies
We can create an individual web page just for your employees to order your companys apparel and accessories. We produce, sort, pack and ship to your locations anywhere in the US or Canada. Have your Human Resources Department outsource your apparel and accessories needs and headaches to us.
Kansas University Departments and Organizations