Clay Center Christian Church preaches and teaches only Bible-based principles and lessons.
- 1021 Crawford St Clay Center, KS 67432-2205
- (785) 632-2140
Churches in Topeka, Kansas | A Topeka, Kansas Church | Light Of The World Christian Center Church | Non-Denominational | Spirit filled | Community
- 3301 SW Gage Blvd Topeka, KS 66614
- (785) 271-1010
Central Kansas Mental Health Center
- 809 Elmhurst Blvd Salina, KS 67401
- (800) 794-8281
The Covenant Church of Clay Center has a rich history dating back to 1890.
- 1330 15th St Clay Center, KS 67432-3238
- (785) 632-5653
The All Faith Counseling Center (AFCC) is a non-profit organization providing counseling and educational services for individuals, couples, and
- 1225 N 2nd St Atchison, KS 66002-1474
- (913) 367-0105