RODEO- Since the Bicentennial year of 1976, DeLayne Sr. & wife Vicki have been producing rodeo's with Outstanding Livestock and Colorful Rodeo Pageantry. Today, it is still a family owned business with the same vision in mind. Come enjoy all the Exciting Rodeo Action with us! Hope to see you at the Rodeo! Now the Rodeo Company is Williams and Long Rodeo Company.
We started building panels and equipment for the Rodeo Co to suit our needs. So that is how we got started in the pipe and steel company.
Long Company Pipe and Steel has been a family owed business for over 30 years. Started by the late DeLayne and Vickie Long after DeLayne's death in 91 Vickie and son DeLayne (Dee) took over. With the passing of Vickie DeLayne (Dee) and his wife Flinda took over in 2001. The company is thriving.
Long Company is a supplier of American made products, raw pipe & steel. Please take a few minutes and see what we have to offer. If you don't see what you want, drop us a line. At longocmpany13@yahoo.ocm or
Send mail to longcompany@aol.ocm with questions or comments about this web site.
Branches and additional offices:
(785) 528-33564230 W K 31 PO Box 253 Osage City, KS 66523